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Quecheláh: Medicine-Community



Read life, feel your ancestors and become medicine®

Quechelah Social AC

Quechelah Social is a legally constituted civil association that emerged in 2018. Its mission is to promote well-being and health in the physical sphere, emotions, relationships, and the community; and its vision is a Mexico that houses and facilitates the development of communities that promote peace, unity, and social reconciliation. To achieve this, Quechelah Social aims to teach and promote the practice of psychosocial techniques and therapies that promote well-being and health at the individual, family, and community levels.

Quecheláh: Medicine-Community


Promote health and wellness in the field of physical, emotions, relationships, and community.

Quecheláh: Medicine-Community


Living in a Mexico that houses and facilitates the development of communities that promote peace, unity, and social reconciliation.

Quecheláh: Medicine-Community

General objective

Teach and promote the practice of psychobiological and psychosocial techniques and therapies that promote well-being and health at the individual, family, and community level, serving vulnerable populations.

Quecheláh: Medicine-Community

Specific objectives

Teach and promote the practice of techniques and therapies of body / biological self-regulation to heal trauma, reduce stress, and improve health states.


Teach and promote the practice of psychosocial techniques and therapies to improve human relationships in the family and community.


Facilitate group experiences that teach and enable participants to become promoters of well-being, peace, unity, and social reconciliation in their current communities.

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© 2017 by Quecheláh Medicine-Community®.

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