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Quecheláh: Medicine-Community



"Healing occurs when the individual remembers his identity - the chosen purpose in the world of ancient wisdom - and reconnects with that world of Spirit"

-Malidoma Somé-

What is Medicine-Community?

Medicine-Community emerges as a method, a healing path that takes into account healing as a way of living, as a way of being in the world and, above all, as an affirmation of the purpose of life. For this reason, we consider that the healing of an individual is not complete if it does not include an active participation with their immediate community.

If there are intangible factors that make individuals ill, such as troubled relationships, harmful social environments, repressed and unexpressed emotions, unresolved family issues, lack of meaning in life, lack of friendly human contact, feeling of insecurity, and many others. Consequently, many intangible factors can also heal individuals.

The healing path proposed by Medicine-Community involves three aspects that are fundamental for those who want to achieve deep healing: the physical body, the fields of systemic belonging and the purpose of life. If any of the three is not included, probably something very important is missing, and what is missing is shown in bodily situations, in family or couple affairs, in relationships, in finances, at work or in events of lifetime.

From this arises a wide path of healing, where medicine is not only an intervention in the physical and specifically in the body. Medicine can also be to establish order and honor in the family system, or to feel the blessing of the ancestors; medicine can be to reestablish love within the systems of belonging or to feel the strength of the lineage of origin; medicine can also be having found the purpose of life, or simply feeling the joy of sharing with others.

There is a special medicine that is achieved when individuals seek to heal together, when they come together to find solutions, harmony, and to reestablish the order of love and life. That medicine emerges when we are in a group. Then each one takes that back to their families, to their partner and to their everyday life contexts; each one then becomes medicine, and all those who participated are part of a new community. A community that when it comes together becomes a medicine (medicine-community®).

Read life, feel your ancestors and become medicine

on your own


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© 2017 by Quecheláh Medicine-Community®.

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