Prof. Veronica Espinosa
Mother, grandmother, teacher, therapist, and co-founder of
Quecheláh: Medicine-Community®.
Her studies include: Gestalt Psychotherapy, Coaching, Family Constellations, Somatic Experience® and Indigenous Spirituality.
Her loving method is the result of the integration of various therapeutic techniques, life experiences, indigenous rituals and spiritual practices (shamanism and kabbalah).
She currently offers individual sessions, and facilitates workshops and retreats.
Dr. Eugenio Ordóñez
Husband, father, teacher, therapist and co-founder of
Quecheláh: Medicine-Community®.
His studies include: Depth Psychology, Coaching, Family Constellations, Somatic Experience®, Kabbalah and Indigenous Spirituality.
His method is the result of the integration of various therapeutic techniques, life experiences, indigenous rituals and spiritual practices (Kabbalah and shamanism).
He currently offers individual sessions, facilitates workshops and retreats, and teaches live and online courses for academic and non-academic audiences.
What are we based on?
Medicine-Community® is a healing method that integrates various therapeutic techniques, community practices, and life and soul care perspectives. Some of them are:
The depth psychology of CG Jung and James Hillman,
The Psychologies of Liberation by Mary Watkins,
The dreamwork of Stephen Aizenstat and Bobert Bosnak,
The brief psychotherapy of Fritz Pearls,
The constellations of Bert Hellinger, S. Hausner and M. Franke,
The social constellations of Anngwyn St. Just,
The constellations of the heart of Joanna Chartrand and Dyrian Benz,
The Somatic Experience and resolution of psychobiological trauma by Peter Levine,
The systemic rituals of Daan Van Kampenhout,
The indigenous rituals and teachings of Malidoma Somé,
The Kabbalah teachings of Rav Berg, Karen Berg, and Michael Berg.